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#2106 Any way to change CXFORMWITHALPHA through ActionScript source code?
Author: user Mokkor
Date created:
Type: question
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State: closed Help

Also, besides title, is it possible to change the scale of image or shape through ActionScript source code (or P-code)? Is there any documentation for this interactions? Thanks in advance!
I'll say whatever little I know here, maybe someone else can add to or correct me. Changing scale and alpha of a placeObject in AS3 is possible. That placeObject needs to have a name, then you refer to it in AS like: this.sprite1.sprite2.objectname.alpha = 1 this.sprite1.sprite2.objectname.scale = 1 or simply this.objectname.alpha = 1 this.objectname.scale = 1 where sprite1 etc. are optional if the object is nested into sprites and they have names Value is a fraction between 0 and 1 for alpha. 0 is invisible, 1 is opaque. For scale 1 is default scale (65535 scale), 0-1 makes object smaller, 1+ makes it bigger. Using 0 as scale or alpha essentially removes object from screen (but internally it's still there). Object must be on the stage, the frame where object appears must be displayed when AS3 processes it. Finaly, idk if this exists into internal flash libraries or it is an external one. I see it so often, that I assume it is a built-in one. Also idk if this, or something similar, works in AS1/2.
Oops the correct syntax is scaleX and scaleY, you need two lines to define the scale.
Understood, thanks a lot!
State: new→closed