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#21 Do-While and while loops inside if
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Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
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State: closed Help

Hi. I found recently a little error, which causes asdec to fail. The problem is in the block where asdec analyses if - jump instructions. Flex source code. public function testDoWhile():void{ var i:int = 0; var test:Boolean = false; if (test) { do { if (i++ > 0) break; }while(true); } } public function testWhile():void{ var i:int = 0; var test:Boolean = false; if (test) { while(true){ if (i++ > 0) break; } } } If current instruction is IfTypeIns and it points on instruction that is preceeded by JumpIns, then asdec tries to find out if it is return block or part of some loop or 'else' block. // line 1537 if (code.get(targetIns - 1).definition instanceof JumpIns) { if ((targetIns - 2 > ip) && ((code.get(targetIns - 2).definition instanceof ReturnValueIns) || (code.get(targetIns - 2).definition instanceof ReturnVoidIns) || (code.get(targetIns - 2).definition instanceof ThrowIns))) { hasElse = false; hasReturn = true; } else { int jumpAddr = targetAddr + code.get(targetIns - 1).operands[0]; int jumpPos = adr2pos(jumpAddr); hasElse = true; for (Loop l : loopList) { if (l.loopBreak == jumpPos) { hasElse = false; break; } } if (hasElse) { if (adr2pos(jumpAddr) > end + 1) { hasElse = false; //throw new ConvertException("Unknown pattern: forward jump outside of the block"); } } } } ... At this point asdec thinks that back jump is an 'else' block and tries to handle the code respectively. In fact, back jump could be a part of 'do-while' of 'while' loop, which is not found yet by asdec. I think we should check the address of jump instruction for this case. Here is the exapmle patch. // line 1547 for (Loop l : loopList) { if (l.loopBreak == jumpPos) { hasElse = false; break; } } //need to check, if it's back jump, then it might be the end of //"if (condition ) { do { ... } while(condition); }" //or "if(condigion) { while(condition) { ... } }" if (jumpPos > ip && jumpPos < targetIns - 1) { hasElse = false; } //end of change if (hasElse) { if (adr2pos(jumpAddr) > end + 1) { hasElse = false; //throw new ConvertException("Unknown pattern: forward jump outside of the block"); } }
Hi, thank you for the change. I added your change to the code, it is in the repository, will be in next release.
State: →closed
Title: Do-While and while loops inside if→Do-While and while loops inside if
Type: →bug
Visibility: →Everybody