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#2090 Add support for automatic MochiCrypt decryption
Author: user Aaron1011
Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: Packers
State: closed Help

Many SWFs are 'encrypted' with MochiCrypt - this hides the actual SWF in a DefineBinaryData tag named `mochicrypt.Payload`, and 'decrypts' and loads it from the outer SWF. It would be very helpful if JPEXS could automatically run the 'decryption' code described below for `mochicrypt.Payload` tags, and display the result as an embedded SWF. The actual 'decryption' code is very simple: ``` data = ByteArray(new payloadClass()); if(data.length > 0) { S = new ByteArray(); n = uint(data.length - 32); i = 0; while(i < 256) { S.writeByte(i); i++; } j = 0; i = 0; while(i < 256) { j = uint(j + S[i] + data[n + (i & 31)] & 255); u = uint(S[i]); S[i] = S[j]; S[j] = u; i++; } if(n > 131072) { n = 131072; } i = j = 0; k = 0; while(k < n) { i = uint(i + 1 & 255); u = uint(S[i]); j = uint(j + u & 255); v = uint(S[j]); S[i] = v; S[j] = u; data[k] ^= S[u + v & 255]; k++; } data.uncompress(); ``` There's also a standalone tool that implements the same logic: Here's an example SWF: 2/live/cuber_v100.swf
Added this in nightly 2618. The reason why we usually do not implement this kind of packers is because there is usually not an easy way to detect the real packer used and also some packers have different encryption parameters for each SWF they encrypt. In this particular case - the mochicrypt, it seems that the encryption parameters are always the same and the used packer can be detected by class name in binarydata tag. So I added it.
State: new→upgraded
State: upgraded→closed