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#2077 Some AS3 won't decompile in a certain swf

Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
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State: closed 

I have a swf file I'm trying to decompile but the main actionscript file won't decompile
correctly. It keeps timing out no matter how long it tries. I was just wondering if you
would be able to decompile it correctly for it to work right.
error in log:
14/09/2023 16:40:11 SEVERE Decompilation timeout in: /Game.initializer
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.get(FutureTask.java:204)
at com.jpexs.helpers.CancellableWorker.get(CancellableWorker.java:132)
at com.jpexs.helpers.CancellableWorker.call(CancellableWorker.java:157)
at com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.abc.types.MethodBody.convert(MethodBody.java:322)
at com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.abc.types.traits.TraitClass.convert(TraitClass.java:278)
at com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.abc.types.traits.Trait.convertPackaged(Trait.java:490)
at com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.abc.ScriptPack.convert(ScriptPack.java:210)
at com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.abc.ScriptPack$1.call(ScriptPack.java:280)
at com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.abc.ScriptPack$1.call(ScriptPack.java:277)
at com.jpexs.helpers.CancellableWorker$3.doInBackground(CancellableWorker.java:152)
at com.jpexs.helpers.CancellableWorker$1.call(CancellableWorker.java:61)
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:264)
at com.jpexs.helpers.CancellableWorker.run(CancellableWorker.java:78)
at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:834)

Did you try giving it more time to decompile? Like at least 180s for single method.

Yes, I gave it 1800s, 30 minutes. And it gave a different error. I'll post it too when I
get home. At work right now. But it still has the $$instructions stuff and doesn't work
like it should.
Just tried it again with 1800s and it finially worked without error. but i can't edit it
and is still missing quite a bit so it still doesn't work right. the Screenshot_2.png log
was from trying to edit the actionscript and when i hit save. I also tried exporting as
fla and compiling using Adobe Animate but it's still broken. Too many errors to fix it all
in Animate.

Please try FFDec nightly 2573,
I did some fixes.
I think the scripts now work fine, also FLA seems to exports/compile fine.
You need to disable ActionScript strict mode in File -> ActionScript settings - at least
in Flash CS6.
It seems that original file was compiled without strict mode as I see some "strict"
bugs(which look like were in original code) like using undefined variables.
The decompilation of Game script still requires a lot of time - 12 minutes on my machine
and also do not forget to turn on deobfuscation.
But the FLA compiled on my machine, which is progress.
Also editing of Game script should be fixed.

State: new→upgraded
Type: other→bug
Type: other→bug
State: upgraded→closed