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#2073 Removing main timeline frames doesn't update frame count in header
Author: user STA20
Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: FramesHeader
State: closed Help

As stated in title, frame count in header is not updated after deleting frames. Frame count is also not an editable field in the header, so we can't manually fix it. Adding frames, on the other hand, recalculates and updates frame count in header. This is a minor bug. It only affects representation of timeline in SWF editors/decompilers and some flash players (for flashes that have incorrect frame count in header).
In nightly 2557, SWF header frameCount and DefineSprite frameCount are recalculated after deleting frames. To the non-editable frame count in the header: It is questionable. If I make it editable then people will wonder why the list of frames did not change after changing this field. On the other hand - now it is hard to fix the problem if these two do not match. So maybe a "sync" button? I do not know. What do you think?
State: new→upgraded
I think this should work like many other features work in FFDec already: we get a warning dialog box saying something like: "Warning, changing this value has no effect on actual number of frames" or something similar. With "don't show this again" and option to turn on/off the warning in advanced settings.
nightly 2561 allows you to edit frame count in the header and has a (clickable) warning icon.
State: upgraded→closed