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#2046 Extracting embedded assets from SWF
Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: Embed
State: closed Help

I have a SWF with embedded images, sounds, fonts. There are classes that are attached to them. How do I export the whole thing so that I can compile it without having to embed it again?
Currently, we do not create [Embed] tags during the export, so there is no way to embed them back using same classes I guess. Only to manually add [Embed] tags to point to correct files.
In nightly 2581, there is new option in export dialog to export also embedded assets (to _assets directory) and the Embed metadata tag is used on the classes to link them. This also works for a subset of items in the FLA export (DefineBinaryData).
State: new→upgraded
Type: question→feature
State: upgraded→closed