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#2041 Exporting decompiled code
Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: Embed
State: closed Help

Let's say I have non-obfuscated SWF and I want to export its decompiled code. The problem is that it contains some embedded images and classes for these images. It is probably possible to remove all of them and reembed images manually, but is too much work. Is there any way to do this the better way?
Currently, we do not create [Embed] tags during the export, so there is no way to embed them back using same classes I guess. Only to manually add [Embed] tags to point to correct files.
In nightly 2581, there is new option in export dialog to export also embedded assets (to _assets directory) and the Embed metadata tag is used on the classes to link them. This also works for a subset of items in the FLA export (DefineBinaryData).
State: new→upgraded
Type: question→feature
State: upgraded→closed