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#2023 Sprite works perfectly in preview, but when added in game its stuck on the first frame
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Type: question
Visibility: Everybody
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State: closed Help

Really confused here. I replaced the shapes of an already existing sprite with my own shapes, it works perfectly in preview but when in game its stuck on the first frame. Would appreciate any help!
Downloadmedia4a.png (59 KiB)Downloadmedia5a.png (174 KiB)
Please attach the SWF file that you are trying to modify, otherwise JPEXS probably won't be able to help you.
Sorry for late response but I fixed it, I made a mistake on my end. PlaceObject2 tag must be used, I mistakenly used the PlaceObject tag instead. And all frames (excluding first one) must have PlaceFlagHasMove and PlaceFlagHasCharacter as YES. Depth must be same number on all frames too.
State: new→closed
Type: bug→question