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#2022 Question or proposal: Make the default value for "Settings->Advanced Settings->Scripts->Display script initializers" true.
Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: Initializers
State: closed Help

In version 18.4.1 of FFDEC, the default value for "Settings->Advanced Settings->Scripts->Display script initializers" has "false" as its default value. This means that, when opening for instance sts/swfs/avm2/bitmap_data/test.swf in FFDEC and looking at "scripts/<default package>/Test" , most of the code will not show up, until you change the value of "Display script initializers" to "true". This issue was made to propose changing the default value of "Display script initializers" to "true" (or ask about why it is "false" by default, maybe there is a very good reason, but on the Discord forum I asked about the code not showing, the person that told me about "Display script initializers" did not know why its value was "false" by default). Thank you.
In nightly 2590, I removed that setting and script initializers are now always visible. I think main problem why the setting was introduced was that empty initializers was displayed as empty first line. Also for compound scripts (scripts that contain multiple externally visible definitions) the script initializer was displayed for all classes. This is now fixed. Instead of empty line, script initializer should be accessible by clicking in the place just before first script character (if the initializer is empty). Also trait list panel should navigate you to it.
State: new→upgraded
State: upgraded→closed