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#2017 Classes in same package displayed as FQN, why?

Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
Labels: AS3Decompilation
State: closed 

So this is just an aesthetics thing, but I noticed that references to classes in the same
package will be displayed as fully qualified class names (so it says package.Class instead
of Class).
I don't see any reason for doing this intentionally, but I also can't imagine that nobody
noticed it yet. Is it intentional, or known but not important enough to fix, or was it
unknown until now?
Again, this is just aesthetics and everything works completely fine, I'm just really
curious what this is about.
Thanks in advance for any answers!

This is fixed in nightly 2551.
State: new→upgraded
Type: question→bug
Type: question→bug
State: upgraded→closed