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#2007 Add support for a specific deobfuscation type

Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
Labels: ObfuscatedRename identifiers
State: opened 

I have a SWF from a game called Transformice which is completely obfuscated, JPEXS does a
great job but the class, variable and namespace names are not completely deobfuscated
making the code completely unreadable.

Unfortunately, original identifier names cannot be restored in such cases.
Only option is to use "rename invalid identifiers" feature,
which will make the identifiers a bit readable (like class_27, var_41, ...).
In current stable version is a bug preventing proper renaming.
Please try nightly 2534.
The function is on menu Tools / Deobfuscation / Rename invalid identifiers.
Also note that this function is experimental and may damage the SWF file after saving
which can make it unplayable.
State: new→opened