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#2006 Preserving embeds (assets) after decompilation
Author: user ReactX
Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: Embed
State: closed Help

Hello, I was wondering if it is possible to preserve the embeds after decompilation with JPEXS? Let me explain: For example, say we have some logic that looks like this: import flash.display.BitmapData; [Embed(source="assets/monster.png")] public dynamic class sprite_monster extends BitmapData { // Do something... } As you can see the way this codebase has been setup, classes have been mapped to specific assets, however, after decompilation this "Embed" tag which is essentially an annotation, is lost. This means that I would have to manually re-add every single embed to every single class that is mapped to an asset. Is there any solution to this? Thanks.
In nightly 2581, there is new option in export dialog to export also embedded assets (to _assets directory) and the Embed metadata tag is used on the classes to link them. This also works for a subset of items in the FLA export (DefineBinaryData).
State: new→upgraded
Type: question→feature
State: upgraded→closed