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#2005 Exporting multiple files : naming problem
Author: user rayakev8
Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: Export
State: closed Help

Hello, i have multiple files to export. My *.swf files are packed in multiple zip files. Structure are like this: *1.swf *2.swf *3.swf *1.swf *2.swf *3.swf *1.swf *2.swf *3.swf And thousands others like this. I wish that *.swf are in folder named like the zip. For example : Foldername Yaro countain : 1.png 2.png 3.png Foldername Garo countain : 1.png 2.png 3.png etc. etc. Here's what I do step by step: 1. Open ffdec.exe 2. Drag and paste all .zip files into program window 3. Shift-select all files in program window 4. Export selection > Uncheck all but "Images" and leave it as "PNG/GIF/JPEG" 5. Choose default directory I remember achieve that in old version but seems not to work in the latest. Version used : 15.1.1 and 18.4.1 nightly 2531
Naming export folders by bundle name (e.g. zip) is implemented in nightly 2664.
State: new→upgraded
State: upgraded→closed