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#1972 Renaming invalid identifiers makes SWF broken

Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
Labels: AS3Rename identifiers
State: closed 

> Find and SWF than contains §&!+§-like identifiers, enable Rename invalid identifiers
and reload SWF
> Expected: working SWF, Resulted: partially working SWF, without any errors in decompiler
> Using version: 18.3.4 Release. OS: Windows 10 21H2 19044.2486.
> I am trying to reverse-engineer online Flash game, lets not keep it is a secret, called
ProTanki, and it is super inconvinient to read code with really unexpected identifiers. Of
course, at this moment I am not planning to launch my own game, it is super hard without
proper team, just experimenting.
Could you attach the sample SWF file which it does not work in?
Sure, here it is. If you want to launch this SWF and test it, use my launcher for this
game, double click on ptlauncher-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar (create separate folder for
it), wait until it loads, close and paste file clientclient.swf in folder with launcher
(yea, name is strange, bug in the launcher), then run launcher again and press play. Game
will load and you will have to wait until game resources loaded and after you will see
login or register form. If you then try to rename indentifiers in clientclient.swf and run
game again, you won't see the login form.

Please try nightly 2475,
it should be better.
I cannot guarantee you that it will work during game.
I made it only to the point of displaying login/register form.
State: new→upgraded
Now it works! Thank you!
You're welcome.
State: upgraded→closed