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#1969 After transform twice changings won't update in preview
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Type: question
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State: closed Help

> What steps will reproduce the problem? Open any SWF file, under "Shapes" transform a shape with the options in the right panel. Confirm your action with the submenu button "Apply" (not the general "Save"). > What is the expected output? What do you see instead? Expected were always a change was made the preview gets updates. Instead only after first changing preview gets updates. As for all following changings preview stays the same. > What version of the product are you using? Is it "nightly build"? Which operating system do you have? - JPEXS v.18.3.4 stable - Java 64-Bit - Windows 7 64-Bit
I did not manage to reproduce that. Which of the transform changes did you do? Does it hapen for every shape? Does any error happen - in the bottom right corner, is there a red icon? If so, could you click it and then copy the error and paste it here?
I just saw it didn't happen to every transform - I'm sorry for that. Let me correct: For "Skew" it breaks near always after first changing, independent of swf. Sometimes it occurs on other like "Rotate" and "Move", but usually it works. There was one time when I change "Matrix", but instead of preview becomes smaller it grew wider and wider. The last one didn't happen again after reloading swf. There aren't any errors in bottom right corner but the green check symbol only.
Ad "breaks near always after first changing, independent of swf" Please try it on attached SWF file as2.swf, for example on DefineShape4(21), I clicked "Transform" button, then in Skew section I set Horizontal: 12 degrees, and clicked apply. Then clicked apply few more times. Everytime I click, the shape preview gets updated and the shape is skewed. This sounds normal. Try it too on this SWF. If your problem does not happen on it, then please attach your SWF file where it happens.
Downloadas2.swf (106 KiB)
Oh, now I got the way how it works. I thought if turning the form TO a specific value, but of BY a specific value in some direction. So I tried with my own swf with 0 to verify whether the changing can be undone. Of course nothing happens when you change it by 0. It seems rather uncommon to me, but then there is no error at all. I think, the issue can be closed. Totally my fault. At least - I learned something new about JPEXS.
Okay, no problem. The transform panel is inspired by similar panel in Inkscape editor where it works this way.
State: new→closed
Type: bug→question