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#1872 PlaceObject orphans (minor bug)
Author: user STA20
Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
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State: closed Help

If we remove some symbols, FFDec removes any PlaceObject tags referencing them too. Except... not all. All PlaceObject tags that do not have ID reference (they have only depth) are left behind. This doesn't break anything, flash player ignores those orphans, so I marked it as minor bug. In this example: Remove Sprites 360 and 364. You see that PlaceObject2 (360) and PlaceObject2 (364) from Frame 2 are auto-removed too. However they stay in Frame 2 and Frame 3 on depth 1346 and 1348. BTW RemoveObject orphans, if they exist, should be removed too.
Oops I noticed a typo here, I meant they stay in frame 3 and frame 4.
This was already done for "Remove with dependencies". I did't even know that plain "Remove" removes PlaceObject tags, but if so, then probably these orphans should be removed too. Please try nightly 2208, it should be fixed there.
State: new→upgraded
I tested it, including scenarios where the symbol has RemoveObject and then another symbol is placed on the same depth. Everything works fine. I consider this issue fixed now. As for "Remove" behaving as "Remove with dependencies", it's fine either way to me. Fix it or leave it be, your choice. I always thought "Remove with dependencies" would remove dependant symbols, so I wasn't using it. :)
State: upgraded→closed