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#186 AS2 Decompilation: show on-clip actions more user-friendly
Author: user focus
Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: AS1/2
State: closed Help

Hey, please, take a look at the attached file. There is a simple on-clip code (at frame 1): on (press) { fscommand ("PUSH_ONE"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (bVar == true) { fscommand ("OK"); } } on (rollOver) { gotoAndStop (2); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndStop (1); } but I can't see it in FFDec with comfort. All I can see - the PlaceObject2 tag with few CLIPACTIONRECORDs inside - I even can't tell which is rollOver for example. Could be nice to see all this code merged, just like I posted above.
DownloadFirst.swf (28 KiB)
"all this code merged": it is not easy to do, because FFDec displays AS code on the left and P-code on the right and if AS are merged, then P-code on the right must be merged too, but it cannot be edited then, because it is in different CLIPACTIONRECORDs. However, I can merge it in AS export. In FFDec window, I can display on (xx) { header in each separate CLIPACTIONRECORD. Maybe it can be somehow visible in the tree too.
Yeah, that would be nice! I mean merged code in AS panel, with showing p-code of the selected in AS part (just like it works with methods in AS3).
Hmm, that is amazing, but next problem is that AS1/2 panel is editable too. If the code is merged, that means after editation it will need to split AS back to CLIPACTIONRECORDs. Okay, maybe it can be done... I will think about it.
yeah... thanks, will hope you'll find way to do that. Or at least to show on(press), on(rollOver), etc. for each clipaction record.
State: new→opened
version 1.6.5 was released. This should be better, try it.
State: opened→upgraded
Yeah, much, much better now! I see no first level indentation there though: on(rollOut){ gotoAndStop(0); }
State: upgraded→returned
State: returned→opened
version 1.6.5u1 was released it should be better now
State: opened→upgraded
Yes, it's okay now, thanks!
State: upgraded→closed