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#1846 Transparent objects sometimes don't blend correctly

Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
Labels: Blend modesFlash ViewerSprites
State: closed 

Hello !
I'm trying to export files from swfs with ffdec and noticed irregularities between what's
shown in window mode and what's really exported.
I linked one example
> What steps will reproduce the problem?
> What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
> What version of the product are you using? Is it "nightly build"? Which operating system
do you have?
> Please provide any additional information below. If the problem is related to a SWF
file, attach it here, otherwise we can't help you.

The editor glitch and i can't edit the post.
Here's the correct image (the one linked in the original post is the incorrectly exported
I use the latest version of ffdec. It happens with all versions
Commands used: ffdec -zoom 20 -export frame output out.swf

Object value using dumpswf :
00000e92: 15. DefineSprite (9) tagId= 39 len= 16 09 00 01 00 86 06 06 01
00 08 00 00 40 00 00 00
00000e9c: 0. PlaceObject2 (8) Depth: 1 tagId= 26 len= 6 06 01 00 08 00 00
00000ea4: 1. ShowFrame tagId= 1 len= 0
00000ea8: 16. PlaceObject3 (9) Depth: 46 tagId= 70 len= 26 0e 02 2e 00 09 00 c2 39
61 6b 2e fb e2 7e 66 96 7d 95 60 69 00 40 10 00 f4 08
00000ec4: 17. PlaceObject3 (9) Depth: 48 tagId= 70 len= 26 0e 02 30 00 09 00 c2 01
e1 91 5a db 83 e3 bd 69 31 81 80 69 00 40 10 00 f4 08
00000ee0: 18. DefineShape3 (10) tagId= 32 len= 44 0a 00 58 98 4c 29 a5 a6
00 01 00 2d 3e 59 ae 00 10 15 62 61 34 e7 30 32 4e 5f fd ea bf 9e d4 cf 19 f6 83 7b 08 02
7b 17 fb 81 1f 00
I also linked two screenshots of the values shown in the FFDEC window
I can't promise anything since shapes problems are hard to debug and fix.
It would help if you attach here the SWF file which contains such shape,
I can't do magic without it...
Hello ! Sorry for the delay, here are two seperate examples.
In the first one, the shadows transparency isn't fully supported and in the second one,
the light effects are over applied.
It seems FFDec's internal renderer can't handle properly blendMode : UI8 in sprites.
Please try nightly 2188, it should be better.
State: new→upgraded
Hello !
The build seems to load and extract the files properly, thanks a lot !
Good, glad to hear that. I am closing this.
State: upgraded→closed