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Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
Labels: Scaling strokesSprites
State: closed 

> What steps will reproduce the problem?
versions above the 11.3.0 are missing sprites of files when opening them
> What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
that like version 11.3.0 the sprites are complete, and I can export them at a good
> What version of the product are you using? Is it "nightly build"? Which operating system
do you have?
15.1.1 but version bellow and after 11.3.0 cause that issue too
> Please provide any additional information below. If the problem is related to a SWF
file, attach it here, otherwise we can't help you.
is related to certain swf files but I don't know why here is the most recent one that
shows the problem and other ones, showing is not exclusive to files
Please specify which sprites are missing - their ids.
What is exactly missing? Whole sprite? Or part of the sprite?
Is it missing from display in FFDec, or in some of the exports?
I only noticed the girl which has missing hair in the last frames.swf file - see
I fixed this bug in nightly 2045.
Is there any other bug?
I don't see a problem here, please be more specific, or make screenshot with difference
from old version 11.3.0 vs new 15.x so I can see it.

State: new→opened
there are parts of the sprites missing, and Is missing from FFDC (unless you have Use
adobe flash player for preview objects turn on) and exports are missing the parts too.
Also, I tried the new recent 2045, and it has a new issue, it brings the missing sprites
back but not makes the lines too thick in preview and when you export. Which was the
opposite problem 11.3.0 had, which made the lines too thin when trying to export it at
better quality. I send Images to show what are the differences examples showing the
preview problem, while the version ones the export problem, and 2045 plays the animations
very laggy now.

Please try nightly 2046,
I think I got the lines thickness correct now.
nightly 2047 should be a bit less laggy
I stumble with a problem 2047 looks to freeze, with no reason compare to other versions
that I had no issues with, and I notice these lines were overlapping in the wrong way.
that includes export
also is there a way of removing the extra space is left when you erase a background or
export without the background?

this is a weird one but now also removing the lines of some previous swf files, like this
two examples both in exporting and preview.
and it no longer let's me replace svg files with others
Could you please always specify which SWF file (of already uploaded) and which
sprite/shape id are we talking about? If its a new SWF not still uploaded here, then
upload it.
For example the problem with "now also removing the lines", I have no idea which SWF it
comes from.
To the freezing problem:
So the FFdec window freezes and cannot be clicked/closed or something like that?
What steps lead to reproducing this?
Is it on specific SWF or sprite?
It sometimes happens at random, or when I try to export, or when I erase a sprite or
framework. The first two files are an example of the freezing, and with disappearing
lines, the third and fourth file show that problem. and the last one is about the space
issue, where I remove the background and any related to it, but a big space is still left
between the other sprites making the export weird.

Please try nightly 2054.
I did some changes about deadlocks, this should fix some freezing regarding playback,
I don't know whether that helps or not.
I think also fixed:
- the disappearing lines
- overlapping lines in your lips example
To the large space problem:
If it's on main SWF timeline, then you can update SWF display rect.
Goto "header" item in the tree, and hit Edit button.
You can set display rect here - left, top, width, height. It is measured in twips (1 twip
= 20 pixels).
Than you can view and export cropped frames.
Please let me know if anything still not working.
State: opened→upgraded
Okey, the lines are back, but I tried the header thing and didn't work. also I don't know
if this part of the file or not but in the picture I sent, there is this lines that is
over the ankle, Is that an overlapping error, or normal that in the actual game the scene
is this angle, compare to the sprite.

and this one looks to be out of sync, that's something I notice some sprites have less
frames that causes them to repeat cycles compare to longer ones with more frames.

masking looks to work weirdly on this file, by making the lines dissapear unless you
deleted the texture

To the ankle problem:
If I run the SWF file in Flash projector, it has the ankle line too.
So this is not a problem of FFDec.
also I don't know why but preview sometimes shows the sprite can be move, like in these
example where sprite 1359 and 1447 moves in the preview but is a still image when I export
it even if I export it as a gif.

FFDec displays sprites with animated subsprites in it.
Sprite 1359 has only single frame, but it consists of adding more sprites to the first
frame, which each is animated.
I cannot properly export this as animation, because sometimes there is no way to tell how
many frames such subsprite animation should be. Some of subprites may loop differently
than others.
You can export it as static freezed image only, sorry.
I have a question why this swf doesn't have a final sprite thing, like the other examples
I have send, thatI want to export the girl from the file. but there is not a all together
sprite in the foulders.

Shapes don't have to be used in sprites, they can be used directly into flash frames. I've
seen many flashes with, say, backgrounds broken into many many small shapes like a puzzle,
and then all shapes placed directly into a frame on the correct place, just like here.
Probably there is a program that creates it automatically this way, to make it harder for
decompilation, or at least harder to assemble end shapes/sprites on a decompiler.
Bottom line, nothing can be done about it. Guess Zone-tan didn't want people to tinker
with his work.
how can I get the animations of a game where you have three options of speed into
different exports? in this one you can go slow, Normal, fast, and finish but because in
the sprite everything is a single animation is there a way to export the way game puts
shows it like?

What format you want the animation be exported into?
You cound change SWFs framerate by editing its header,
that should also make GIFs and AVIs use different speed.
Or we could make export speed option for GIFs and AVIs.
maybe both formats and those options sound good, but I mean play the game, and you'll see
what I mean with speeds and loops in the game that jpexs doesn't do

I think I cannot properly export individual loops in the sprites as that means it is
controlled by an ActionScript and we cannot run ActionScripts. We can only export
DefineSprites as a whole.
It seems that exporting animations to look the same as in the game is not possible, sorry.
Oh, man, any possibility that can done in a future update? and what about this one? it has
the sprite in a corner and leaves a lot of unnecesary space but it doesn't give an option
to change it

To the scripts execution: I don't think we will ever be able to fully execute
To the sprite in the corner:
You can edit the swf header to change stage dimension.
Just navigate to header section, hit Edit button and change Display rect to something
This will eliminate the unnecessary space.
and how do I know who to reduce them to fit just fine? and why it doesn't affect the
sprite and only does the frames folder?
Ad "reduce them to fit just fine"
That cannot be calculated automatically. You can just try some values and if it does not
work, then try another values.
Ad "why it doesn't affect the sprite"
Sprite cannot be cropped. The sprite size for export is calculated from all objects
exporting the frames as gif works just as the sprites?
exporting main timeline frames works as exporting sprite frames,
the difference is that sprite frames do not have background color set,
and sprite frames size is calculated from placed items inside the sprite.
State: upgraded→closed