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#1827 DefineVideoStream(.flv) replace/import in command line

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Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: Video
State: closed 

Yeah, I know that in GUI it's also not supported but is it possible to implement such
feature at all? When we exporting DefineVideoStream FFDec converts it to some .flv file
but maybe back convertion also could be done?
State: new→postponed
Forgot to say that if it would be ever implemented then mass/bulk export import flv would
be also nice for example if swf contains not just one video.
In nightly 2369,
movie replacing in the gui, on commandline
and also bulk import in the gui and commandline
was implemented.
State: postponed→upgraded
Thanks a lot but,
1) looks like with batch file FFdec don't auto closes cmd window after it finished
importing that happens when it imports images,
"Source file opened
Using the directory: G:\Club_Velve_Rose\movies
Importing character 1 from file 1.flv
Importing character 16 from file 16.flv
Importing character 19 from file 19.flv
Importing character 21 from file 21.flv
Importing character 23 from file 23.flv
Importing character 25 from file 25.flv
Importing character 27 from file 27.flv
Importing character 29 from file 29.flv
Importing character 31 from file 31.flv
Importing character 33 from file 33.flv
Importing character 35 from file 35.flv
Writing outfile
11 movies successfully imported"
2) Would it work for mp4 or this format doesn't stores inside swf, since I only seen such
format (with h.264 codec) used as external files that placed in some subfolder near swf?
The app closing should be fixed in nightly 2372.
SWF supports these codecs: H263, ScreenVideo, VP6.
I don't know whether these can be stored in an MP4.
FLV handles these codecs pretty well.
You will probably need to convert the MP4 to FLV first.
Thanks for info and fix, now all works fine.
I've got error with attached swf when I converted flv (that contains inside attached swf)
from H263 to VP6 (but with some other swf, when I did such convertion using cmd, all was
Dec 29, 2022 1:46:38 PM com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.importers.MovieImporter bulkImport
WARNING: Cannot import movie 1 from file 1.flv
com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.EndOfStreamException: Premature end of the stream reached
at com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.flv.FLVInputStream.readUB(FLVInputStream.java:107)
at com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.gui.Main.main(Main.java:2618)
Writing outfile
0 movies successfully imported
So according this error I have 2 questions:
1) Is it possible if such error occured don't produce broken (about 100Kb swf) and just
copy original as is.
2) Is this error somehow connected to problems with flv file because attached VP6 flv
plays fine in PotPlayer?

The error is fixed in nightly 2395.
Thanks, now it works fine.
State: upgraded→closed