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#179 AS3 hasNext instead of foreach (wrong precontinue)

Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: AS3
State: closed 

Hey, please, take a look at the attached file.
Class com.junkbyte.console.core.Graphing
Method update
This line:
for(;interests hasNext _loc5_;group.updateMinMax(v))
Whole method looks strange actually...
this is how that method looks like originally (similar to, since I have 2.6 beta in swf,
but 2.6 release on code.google):

Scratch it, sorry, code.google link contains too different code revision.
Here is how it should look like:
for each (i in interests)
v = i.getCurrentValue();
i.setValue(v, averaging);
report(((((("Error with graph value for key [" +
i.key) + "] in [") + group.name) + "]. ") + e), 10);
remove(group.name, i.obj, i.prop);
State: new→opened
Title: AS3 conditions decompilation issue→AS3 hasNext instead of foreach (wrong precontinue)
Title: AS3 conditions decompilation issue→AS3 hasNext instead of foreach (wrong precontinue)
issue is similar to #137, which is in paused state. I uploaded some examples to that
version 1.6.5 was released. This should be fixed, try it.
State: opened→upgraded
Yeah, decom;iles great now, thanks!
State: upgraded→closed