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#1748 DefineEditText renders wrong fonts
Author: user Akira896
Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
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State: closed Help

Before the discontinuation of Adobe Flash, JPEXS was able to preview texts with its respective fonts (which makes editing texts a lot easier). Nowadays, despite having the option of still using flash despite its discontinuation, having Adobe Flash today is pretty much impossible (I have it right now, but I had to install Windows 10 with an update before January 2021 and skip pretty much every security update, which is getting annoying). Are there any chances that the proper text preview can be done without the use of Adobe Flash? Maybe an update in the future?
What do you mean "proper text preview"? The decompiler already has text rendering without using Flash. Could you provide sample SWF file for which it does not work?
That doesn't seem to be the case for me. Every single SWF file I open only has the proper font when I use Adobe Flash. If I disable the option, the text appears in a Generic font (and most of the time cuts). I'll provide an SWF as an example wiht the game "Fakin' It!" by Jackbox and below a few screenshots of what I mean.
Download5537.swf (112 KiB)
This is what happens when I don't activate Adobe Flash.
And this is what happens when I activate it. Maybe I forgot to activate an option?
Please try nightly 1940 - I think it should be better now.
State: new→upgraded
Title: Text preview without the use of Adobe Flash→DefineEditText renders wrong fonts
Yeah, that's DEFINITELY better, now the texts show the correct fonts. However, it still has issues. Some texts don't show up how they should be. For example, in the same SWF, the word "SCORES" appears with no spaces at all. I'll attach a screenshot below.
Please try nightly 1941, I think it's okay now.
Yeah, now they have proper spacing. However, the size of some texts is still wrong. Using the same example of "SCORES", we can see that without Adobe Flash the text clips with the graphic below, which is not the case when using Adobe Flash (this shows exactly how it appears in-game). I'll attach both screenshots below as always.
There are also some texts which have the horizontal spacing right, but the vertical spacing wrong. I'll attach an example below with the game "Survive the Internet".
Could you please also attach "Survive the Internet" swf file?
Sure thing
Download7603.swf (4,186 KiB)
Try nightly 1942. It should be okay now.
Yes! Now it's working! Thanks!
You're welcome.
State: upgraded→closed