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#1744 Replacing SVG shape from commandline

Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
Labels: CommandlineImportShapes
State: closed 

Hello guys!
I tried to replace the character id 1 in my file input.swf with image.svg and export it to
But it says 'Uncaught exception in thread: main'. I put the whole log into the appended
text file.
java -jar "C:\programs\FFDec\ffdec.jar" -replace input.swf output.swf 1 image.svg
cmd /k
But if I use a png image instead nothing fails.
java -jar "C:\programs\FFDec\ffdec.jar" -replace input.swf output.swf 1 image.png
cmd /k
I use FFDEC v.14.4.0 in a batch script in Windows 10.
I hope you read my problem and maybe could solve it.
Thank you in advance.

Replacing SVG from commandline was implemented in nightly 1943, try it.
Make sure the character tag is a Shape tag.
State: new→upgraded
Title: Cannot replace svg shape→Replacing SVG shape from commandline
Type: bug→feature
Title: Cannot replace svg shape→Replacing SVG shape from commandline
Type: bug→feature
State: upgraded→closed