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#1716 Options to keep inacessible AS code
Author: user uzer0
Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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State: closed Help

Hello. After editing AS and making some code inaccessible* it is deleted automatically on save. *by commenting, adding dummy statements (if 1>2) and return's. For purpose of reverting changes back, please add options to keep this code or ask user for that. Thanks!
Dummy statements are removed if you have "Automatic deobfuscation" turned on. Also, code is not saved as is - it is compiled and upon decompilation again, it could be slightly different. (like for loops becoming while loops etc.) Also comments are discarded as there is no way to save comments to a SWF file. Only thing I can do is maybe show a warning if code contains comments, maybe a panel with warning at the bottom. Will this help?
Got it, didn't knew comments can't be saved, thanks. Disabling auto deobfuscation might help then, to keep the disabled code. But keeping such elements in separate text file is still a good approach imo. I don't think it necessary, thanks.
State: new→closed