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#1696 How do I save an adjusted Matrix for a Placeobject2 tag?
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Type: question
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State: closed Help

I am attempting to make an automated system for adjusting Sprite Placeobject matrices. For testing purposes, I loop through every Place Object and set its Matrix.translateX to 5000. This change does take effect in the SWF, but when saving it to a file the change is not saved. The attached java project should allow you to replicate this. Any suggestions on what I'm doing wrong? (4,209 KiB)
As far as I remember, it is needed to call setModified(true) on the tag to modifications to take effect. It is not very clear, maybe I should write in in the FAQ. So in your case: MATRIX mat = PO.getMatrix(); mat.translateX = 5000; PO.setMatrix(mat); PO.setModified(true); //crucial replaceTag call is not needed. Let me know whether this worked for you.
State: new→opened
That fixed it! Thanks! I tried a bunch of stuff with SetModified, but it never worked, so I must have been putting it in the wrong spot. Or perhaps cancelling it out with ReplaceTag.
Good, you're welcome. I modified Library documentation in FFDec wiki with similar sample for people to catch it.
State: opened→closed