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#169 edit method body raw bytes

Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: GUI
State: closed 

Add a capability to edit the raw bytes of the method body.
For example you can put an "Edit bytes" button next to the "Edit" button in MethodBody
Code tab.
The current Edit button shows the pcode, the new could show the hex bytes.
But why do you need this at all? P-Code editing allows you to do same task much more
I'd not against showing raw bytes in P-Code option (show bytes before every p-code)
I'd like to test the not documented tag ids (how many parameters they need), test some
obfuscating methods.
Showing raw bytes is aleady possible, but I'd like to edit them. Not everything is
possible with P-Code.
undocumented tags = undocumented avm instructions in my previous post