JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler Issue Tracker

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#161 Skip current file
Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: GUI
State: closed Help

Sometimes, JPEXS gets stuck on some files. It could be nice to tell him to ignore the current file and go directly to the next file or uncheck these files before decompilation.
What do you mean by "files"? You mean an ActionScript class/script?
Yes, an ActionScript class/script. Or directly display a checkbox to the left of files and folders to chosse wich folders/files we want to decompile.
In the latest (nightly build) version you can cancel the decompilation. (Cacnel button in the status panel) Is it solve your problem?
State: new→upgraded
I'll close this due to inactivity. Plese create new issue is you still have this issue.
State: upgraded→closed