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#1606 Replace files from BinaryData

Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
Labels: BinaryDataGUI
State: closed 

> What steps will reproduce the problem?
So basically i'm editing an old car game in SWF and i would like to replace some sounds,
images and textures. And all of them are in the Binary Data folder, except a few ones.
I exported a texture from the game (location : binary data folder > DefineBinaryData 26
global textures > SWF Data > images > DefineBitsJPEG2 74 : honda_civic_red.jpg).
After that, i edited the image in Photoshop and replace it at the same location
> What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
I got : Uncaught exception in thread: AWT-EventQueue-0, java.lang.NullPointerException and
a lot of event errors
I get the same errors if i'm replacing a sound
I'm expecting that when you launch the game and click on "duel", the first car you see
should have a purple texture instead of the red one
> What version of the product are you using? Is it "nightly build"? Which operating system
do you have?
I'm using 13.0.3 version and i'm on Windows
> Please provide any additional information below. If the problem is related to a SWF
file, attach it here, otherwise we can't help you.
Images which are not in the Binary Data folder, i can replace them and everything is
working fine (game is running and i can see the changes)
I don't really know if it's a bug or else it's a thing that you can't do
Any help will be appreciated <3
PS : i'm sorry for my horrible english, if you need better explanation of something tell
me !
You pressed Run button, is that correct?
Currently, Run button does not work for swfs inside binarydata,
you must select parent SWF file and then hit Run button.
Also, if you want to save the SWF file, then first press Save when in binarydata SWF,
then select parent SWF file and press save there.
Omg thanks for the tip, i have what i wanted now !
I've been struggling with this for 2 days, with exporting the image in all formats
possible and looking at all the scripts, trying to find the actual problem
You made someone happy today ! Thanks again :D
Run button was fixed in nightly 1805.
When in binarydata SWF, it will run the SWF inside the binary data,
so you must still select parent SWF when you want to run main SWF.
Also on BinaryData SWF save, parent SWF is saved,
so there should be no more problems with saving.
State: new→upgraded
State: upgraded→closed