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#1595 Save search results

Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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State: closed 

It is possible to add saving searching results? It would be helpful when need to search
for the same results in the same swf at different time

Adding: Feature to saving search results with the possibility to load search results after
reopen ffdec and open swf from which this results were saved*
This feature would have made working in ffdec a lot easier
Thanks in advance
The way how I see this feature (with photoshoped screens):
1) Save button on left or right bottom corner of window with result
2) Load button near binocular
3)After load window with search results would appear

this was implemented in nightly 1822.
There's no save button. All searches are automatically saved for later use and you can
load them via dropdown on binoculars (It's saved per SWF). You can clear recent searches
via settings menu.
I think the save button would be redundant and it would probably not look so good in the
Please let me know if you are satisfied.
State: new→upgraded
State: upgraded→closed