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#1594 Disable padding in p-code, use oldstyle getlocal_x
Author: user Kuroneko
Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: AS3P-code
State: closed Help

Sorry for question, but I didn't find how to disable padding in p-code. Could you add this setting in "Advanced settings"? I'm used to old look of p-code and this padding a little confusing me The same applied to "getlocal1/setlocal" opcodes within default "getlocal_1/setlocal_1" view in p-code Thanks in advance
Ffdec version 13.0.2
About "getlocal1": This is not critical, but if I sould be able to switch on default view to "old getlocal_1" that's would be great
Hi, this was implemented in nightly 1789, go to Settings/Formatting and uncheck "Indent AS3 P-code", "Label in AS3 P-code on separate line". And in Settings/Scripts check "Use oldstyle getlocal_x instead of getlocalx in AS3 P-code".
State: new→upgraded
Title: Disable padding in p-code→Disable padding in p-code, use oldstyle getlocal_x
Thx you so much)
You're welcome.
State: upgraded→closed