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List of issues#159 AS3: Improper rest parameter handling on MethodInfo tab
Author: djtrelos
Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
Labels: GUI
State: closed
Hello if i try to change one file i get this error http://prntscr.com/1bnw44 please
help me. Thanks !!!
If you want me to fix it, I need to see that SWF file.
I can make this issue private if you do not want to publish it to others.
Please add files directly here instead of other servers (screenshots too), thank you.
v6ILQLv.png (61 KiB)
Type: question→bug
Hmm, looks like I don't need it anyway.
The error is on MethodInfo tab, where rest parameter is not handled properly. It needs to
be fixed.
Title: why i get one error?→AS3: Improper rest parameter handling on MethodInfo tab
State: new→opened
version 1.6.4 was released
this should be fixed, try it
State: opened→upgraded
I tried it (with a diffrent swf), and it was working fine.
Maybe you can close this issue.
State: upgraded→closed