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#150 AS3 decompilation "line too long" error

Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
State: closed 

Hey! Please, take a look at the attached not obfuscated file.
I see /*line too long*/ in some places of the decompiled code there.
But such lines are not so long actually (example of line where the first "line too long"
error appears):
ls[_local2].r = (((Math.atan2(((ls[_local2].y + __y) - ls[_local2].y), ((ls[_local2].x +
__x) - ls[_local2].x)) / Math.PI) * 180) + 450) % 360;

State: new→opened
Fixed in version 1.6.3u2
State: opened→upgraded
Confirmed, works fine now, thanks!
State: upgraded→closed