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#1496 How can I get rid of the spaces in the identifier name?
Author: user LeoStitch
Date created:
Type: question
Visibility: Everybody
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State: closed Help

Most of the identifiers look something like this: How can I get rid of all the spaces while keeping the names of the identifiers. I don't want to use the auto rename identifiers because messes up the interface with servers. So Identifiers really need to be kept the same. I will link my file below. All help is welcome. tl;dr: I just need to remove whitespaces from identifiers(including folder/package names).
In nightly build 1951, these repeating characters are squashed into escape sequence \{xxx}C, in this case "\{878} " for 878 space characters. Obfuscated names use this escape and can be edited freely in the decompiler and then saved as original. In P-code window, all string also use this sequence when neccessary. Default limit is 20 consequent characters - all above will be shortened with the escape. The limit can be raised in Advanced settings / Limits.
State: new→upgraded
State: upgraded→closed