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#1450 AS3 direct editation save Error

Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
Labels: AS3Direct Editation
State: closed 

Hello, i have issues when Save a AS3 obfuscated swf file
I open a normal swf, I see a class and I give it to save without modifying anything, this
(I need to add the import class but the class is in the same folder)
second problem:
i edit this:
to this:
Saves normally, and sends message "successfully saved code"
*close the swf
But i reOPEN the swf and this is my code and crash the swf:

1) I am attaching the screenshots here so we do not depend on external site.
2) Direct editation of AS code is far from perfect, in fact, we recreated AS3 compiler
here from scratch. I might investigate and take a look what's happenning right there in
the code, but
direct AS editation has currently low priority for us.
3) For small changes, you can use P-code editation (on the right side), it's the best
place for changing small literals, strings for example.

Title: AS3 save Error→AS3 direct editation save Error
You must edit it in P-Code to work.
This is fixed in nightly 1834.
State: new→upgraded
State: upgraded→closed