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#1434 [Request]Help with an swf feature

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Type: other
Visibility: Everybody
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State: ignored 

Hello, I was making a mod to a client of a private server that I play on, called
Pebo/Dream Realms. I wanted to add a button that made a player drop all their items when
the button was clicked. I went to the PlayerMenu.as and searched for Lock, a feature that
is already included. I tried to instead of locking a player, I tried to implement a
function called InvDrop, which was found somewhere else. I tried pasting the function from
InvDrop.as into the placer where the Lock function was, and replaced in.lock with
in.InvDrop up above. Unfortuanatley, this did not work. I would appreciate any help
someone could give, and the swf is downloaded at pebocomputers.com/DreamRealms.swf I will
also attach the swf along. This is the virus scan if anyone needs it.

as FFDec developers, we cannot help you modding any game, you can ask on some modding
Since nobody other answered your question, I will close it here,
thanks for understanding.
State: new→ignored