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#1338 [Edit ActionScript] Vector.<uint> would be replaced with ApplyTypeAVM2Iteam
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Type: question
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Hi all, Recently I encounter a issue when I try to edit ActionScript in FFDEC, this feature is very cool!!! The problem is: Vector.<uint> would be replaced with ApplyTypeAVM2Iteam. Note: Flash sample has been attached into this thread, password is novirus How to reproduce? When I add trace at begin of TryExpl funciton in MyClass, such as, trace("anything") , and then, save modification. [Code] // In MyClass static function TryExpl(param1:Exploit, param2:String, param3:String, param4:ByteArray) : Boolean { trace("anything"); ... } There are some un-expected changes here: 1. New import will be added, which will import ApplyTypeAVM2Item. [Code] import; 2. new local variables for arguments [Code] static function TryExpl(param1:Exploit, param2:String, param3:String, param4:ByteArray) : Boolean { var param1:Exploit = param1; // new added var param2:String = param2; // new added var param3:String = param3; // new added var param4:ByteArray = param4;// new added trace("anything"); ... } 3. replace Vector.<uint> with ApplyTypeAVM2Item [Code] var v:Vector.<uint> = null; ==> var v:ApplyTypeAVM2Item = null; After modification, this new flash could not work in flash player, due to not find Please give me some suggestion about this issue, thanks!
This is fixed in nightly 1832.
State: new→upgraded
State: upgraded→closed