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#1336 regex, and too much int() unint()

Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: AS3Direct Editation
State: closed 

when the file have regex compile it 2 times it will say error
example this
if(_loc9_ == ChatDict.CHANNEL_PRIVATE)
_loc5_ = /^\/(?P<obj1>[^ ]+) +(?P<obj2>[^ ]+)/;
_loc6_ = param1.match(_loc5_);
if(_loc6_ == null)
_loc3_ = _loc6_["obj1"];
_loc4_ = _loc6_["obj2"];
compile that 2 times it will throw error + when you look the source code all function
turns to blank with virtual next to them
virtual function blah blah
next is
if (_loc_8 == 3)
_loc_3.overDue = param1.time.getEndTime().time / 1000;
each compile it adds uint() xD i compile too much so heres the result
if(_loc8_ == 3)
_loc3_.overDue =
time / 1000)))))))))))));
This issue is probably duplicate of: /www.free-decompiler.com/flash/issues/1270-convert-i-adding-extra-cast-with-each-save
hmm i see ^_^.. how about the regex? thing ... my example at the top ... it compile 1st
run then 2nd run all function turns to virtual..
State: upgraded→closed