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#1333 Exporting sprites as swf files

Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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State: closed 

I have lately been trying to do something using another swf's sprites and I cannot do it
since animated sprites cannot get exported as swf, and this is quite annoying.
I would like it to be possible to have an option to be able to export sprites as swf
files, because that way it would be much easier and quicker.
I'll implement this soon, since it seems quite easy, the functionality is already there.
Workaround with the current version:
Open C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\
Open your swf in FFDec
In settings ribbon panel disable "Use own flash viewer"
Delete all ffdec_view_*.swf files from the temp folder
Select the sprite, preview will be shown in FFDec
Copy the ffdec_view_xxxxxxxxx.swf file from the temp folder.
Assigned: →

Implemented in the latest nightly build.
Please try it.
State: new→upgraded
Thank you so much for this!
This will help me out a lot.
You may now close this issue.
State: upgraded→closed