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#1290 Export source to Projects
Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody read only
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Labels: ExportFlashDevelopIntelliJ IDEA
State: upgraded Help

My little suggestion is source output changes. Currently our decompiler working with RAW output, i.e. just put "all*.as" files into directory or output as FLA files. Hmm how about feature, similar to ILSpy, NetReflectors - output sources with creation project files? Just for example, we have a FLEX4 flash application. Why not create project for FlashDevelop or InteliJ IDEA? On my vision that will be great feature for JPEXS and much more easy, instead of manual assembly decompiled sources into project on FD or Idea. FLA export is great feature, but on some cases, we need working with FlashDevelop. That is just my suggestion, but i will be really happy if that is "make a point of interest" for developers and be implemented in future. Here the little "artwork" for it attached.
DownloadIdea.png (141 KiB)
Thanks for the idea. It is possible to implement. We don't know how these projects should look like. I don't know FlashDevelop and never thought InteliJ knows ActionScript. We must study structure of these project formats and then implement the conversion. I guess both of these are based on XML so it could be not so hard. I can't give you any exact dates when we will implement it since our issue tracker is already pretty full.
Thanks for reading. Yeah, them both based on XML and not hard to implement at all due to simple project files structure. Yeah, fix current problems is a right way instead implement a new features when we have a some issues with current things. Those feature - is a great thing for future releases and long-range TODO thing. Also if you got any troubles with FlashDevelop or InteliJ projects i'll be happy to help with that (+tests, explain - "how to" and etc.). Just hire me on that issue (i'm subscribed and check e-mails daily) ;)
I know it is a bit late, but in nightly 2826, I added export to FlashDevelop project and also IntelliJ IDEA.
State: new→upgraded