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#129 obfuscated as2 code, not refreshing decompiled after rename

Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
State: closed 

Hey, please take a look at the attached file. It is a simple as2 file obfuscated with
Flash Secure Optimizer.
I get this as decompiled listing:
var =10;
//Unsupported by decompiler:Empty stack;
there are such code was before obfuscation:
var a=10;
var b=a-6;

State: new→opened
version 1.6.3 released
it should be better, try it
State: opened→upgraded
Yeah, thanks!
I tried to run Identifiers renaming there and looks like it doesn't work well though:
You can see two " " were renamed in bytecode, but I still see var = ... in decompilation
Title: Can't decompile obfuscated as2 code→obfuscated as2 code, not refreshing decompiled after rename
State: upgraded→opened
version 1.6.4 was released
this should be fixed, try it
State: opened→upgraded
State: upgraded→returned
State: returned→opened
version 1.6.5 was released.
This should be fixed, try it.
State: opened→upgraded
Yey, new build! Renaming works fine now)
State: upgraded→closed