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#1247 Modification on this GFX font [PS3] doesn't seem working as it should

Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: GFX
State: closed 

> What steps will reproduce the problem?
Simply modifying any of those 5 fonts should reproduce the issue after saving,closing ans
> What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
If I modify the same font of PC version of the game, this bug does not happen, and also,
modified font works on the game as well, however, if I modify the PS3 version of the font,
then the game crashes, and this is the only noticeable symptom that seems related to the
http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/c8f0/8npk26tv67wm8fozg.jpg <- here is the picture that may give you some clue.
> What version of the product are you using? Is it "nightly build"? Which operating system
do you have?
I tried 5.00 - 8.01, they all seem to have the same problem. More importantly, none of
those versions was able to produce the working font for PS3.
> Please provide any additional information below. If the problem is related to a SWF
file, attach it here, otherwise we can't help you.
http://www.mediafire.com/download/d975ay2h4al7g5a/AS.zip <- HERE is the link of the two fonts from both PC and
PS3, please take a look when you feel free.
and finally, Thanks for your awesome tool again, for PC, it works great on almost all
games :)
Were you able to change anything else in the PS3 version of the game?
Probably there is a check in the PS3 version, maybe checks the hash of the files.
In this case we can't help you.
What do you mean by "Simply modifying".
Please specify steps you can do to reproduce the problem starting with original GFX file
to notworking GFX file.
Font can be "simply modified" in many ways, some of them may work, others may be buggy, so
please tell us what exactly you do with the fonts, thanks.
I am attaching those GFX files and screenshot here, because we do not like external links
much - they can expire :-).
@honfika sure I was able to load the game with changed files, my repacking wasn't the
issue, I was able to use russian font from the game itself
@JPEXS sorry for the external links,
the modification that I do, is that I choose any of those fonts inside the GFX,
in this case there are 5 of them, Jixellation x 2, JectRex, Isolation, and Nostromo cond
then change the Source font then click Embed to add characters with updating the texts.
This is all I do, which works great on the PC version of the game.. while the modified
font on PS3 just keeps crashing, like I mentioned before, I was able to load unmodified
RUSSIAN font replaced with FONTS_EN.GFX just fine, so there is no repacking issue.
Finally, like it's shown in the picture, the name tag shows duplicated names on PS3
( Jixellation, Jixellation ) I'm not quite sure if this is related,
I think I got some clue, it was related to data encryption inside the swf, the font of PS3
seems in need of encrypted data to run unlike PC font.
http://forum.xentax.com/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=10450&start=30 <- This is an old article that got me some clue,
currently trying to follow this method to rebuild the font.
Ok, please let us know the result, then we can change FFDec to make PS3 comaptible gfx
Hi, please try nightly build 1454 or later. I think I found GFX font editing bug which may
be related.
State: new→upgraded
@JPEXS, Thanks for your reply, unfortunately still out of luck. Some suggested me to try
3.0 version which at least does not seem to produce the bug that makes the duplicated
Your fix didn't seem applied in the build you suggested (1454), guess I will have to
compile it myself see if that fixes unless you will post your new build with the probable
fix applied.
Thanks again for your great support
Sorry about the confusion, I wish I could edit my previous posts instead of making three
posts, yeah the bug with duplicated nametags is completely gone in the build 1454, however
the game still crashes when the part that reads the font. I'm posting my modified font
just incase that help you debugging.
Here's the log I pulled from PS3 through my debugger.
UI.PAK is the file that contains the FONTS_EN.GFX

We need to do as little change as possible which causes the bug.
Here - try this GFX file. I changed the euro character in the first font.
Tell me whether it works or not in your game. Thanks.

@JPEXS, Yes I noticed your change at the very end of characters, and your font loaded
perfectly fine,
I'll try to build my own font with your change.
The euro sign is the last character in the font - that may be related. If the character is
somewhere before last, there are more changes needed in the SWF - offsets.
Please do some experiments with small changes (yet working - not working) which will
locate the bug.
For example insert only one character somewhere in the middle (replace "A") - in the Embed
dialog there is input field on the bottom to insert single characters. If the game does
not work with it, then it might be problem with the offsets as I said.
If it does work for you, then again, do as little steps as possible and test it in the
game again, to locate which one of the steps caused problem.
Then we can fix it. Thanks!
Unfortunately, I cannot test it in the game myself, so it is up to you.
State: upgraded→returned
@JPEXS Thanks again for your suggestion, I did some tests with various setup..
I added an additional char "가" at the end, it loaded fine without any issue.
I added two additional chars "가나" at the end, then it reproduced the issue right away
[Black screen after loading trophy as always has been]
I replaced an existing char "9" with a different font, this also crashed , like TEST#2
Any more suggestion you'd like to provide?
please try to add only the 2nd character ('나')
and please try to replace char '9' to '가'
hmm... i'm not really sure that the 2nd it is easy with FFDec, so first please try only
adding the 2nd character only
@honfika, it's getting interesting, it seems like adding certain char causes crashing.
I tried what you suggested, and as a result, adding "나" caused an immediate crash, on
the other hand, adding "가" didn't cause the problem at all again.
in case that helps, I'm attaching those two fonts I created with the nightly build,
however, I wasn't able to replace "9" with something else other than just the "9" with a
different font, it requires a lot of modification on HXD, I just couldn't guess all that
stuff encrypted as in BASE64 [definecompactedfont specific]

The 2 attached files are the original + added 1 character to each? 나 and 가
Which one is which?
[GA]FONTS_EN.GFX is the one with "가" [NA]FONTS_EN.GFX is the one with "나"
So far, [GA]FONTS_EN.GFX is the one that's working.
Could you please try to add other single characters?
The simpler the better, for example contains only 1 line
@honfika, as you requested, I also tested with a single char, the first one is "ㄱ" which
derived from the letter "가" that loaded fine, but the 2nd one is "ㄴ" which derived
from the letter "나" also crashed just like the test with "나".

Could you please try the attached files? I've removed everything eccept 1 tag / 1
Is it working?

@honfika both fonts loaded fine, though it didn't display texts due to missing other fonts
that used for subtitle, UI and etc.
btw I was able to create a working font for middle earth - shadow of mordor, it also uses
the same definecompactedfont. it's weird that Alien is being so picky about the font..
OK, I got it all figured out, the trick was not to modify the existing font, I built the
working font for additional chars with different font
Yes, missing texts are ok.
Could you please try the attached gfx files?
Wrong.gfx should be wrong i guess... it is the same as PS3_FONTS_EN_modified2.GFX with the
"wrong" character
In Edges*.gfx files I've removed the edges of the wrong character one by one.

State: returned→closed