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#124 Flash Plyer not found after opening swf from the command line

Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
Labels: Installation
State: closed 

I see error message http://i.imgur.com/EBqgBF1.png
if I try to see any frame or sprite.
this happens if I open swf from the command line only (or just dropping swf to the
ffdec.exe file in windows explorer)
State: new→opened
version 1.6.3 released
try it now, it should be ok
State: opened→upgraded
Can't check this in new version =(
I can't run ffdec.exe at all. All I see is the JRE error message:
You can see I runned java -version command to show you I have java installed and its
ffdec.jar runs fine though
(but it doesn't get files dropped right onto the jar in Explorer, so I can;t check if this
issue is fixed anyway)
How much memory do you have?
16 Gigs, Win8 x64
Is your Java 7 64bit or 32 bit?
32 one
That is probably the problem. Please install 64bit one.
32 bit JVM cannot handle more memory I guess
Hm.. but 1.6.2 works fine with this Java (I mean ffdec.exe running fine).
yeah, you're totally right.
Installed x64 Java and those issues are gone now. As this one.
State: upgraded→closed