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#1205 "-zoom" command line parameter for Frame export
Author: user alex
Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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State: closed Help

Hello. Please, add ability to use parameter "-zoom" for Frames export (in command line execution of FFDec). It would be very useful. Thanks a lot.
What is the problem with the zoom parameter? Frame export already supports it. I used the following 2 commands to export a frame from your test swf: ffdec.bat -export frame . as2.swf and ffdec.bat -zoom 2 -export frame . as2.swf And attahced the results.
Downloadwithout_zoom.png (80 KiB)Downloadzoom2.png (187 KiB)
Sorry, my mistake. Thank you.
Hmm, I'll remove this comment: "currently for FlashPaper conversion only" Probably it was confusing.
State: new→upgraded
One more problem. When i execute command: java -jar "C:\Program Files (x86)\FFDec\ffdec.jar" -zoom 5 -export frame "c:\pngs" "c:\swfs" Folder "swfs" attached to the message. i have the error: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space (also attache to the message)
Downloaderror_mess.PNG (54 KiB)Downloadswfs.rar (20,445 KiB)
How big is the image when you export it without zoom?
Without zoom every image = 40 - 100 kb. With zoom every image = 0,3 - 1,5 mb. Number of images = 446. Currently try to execute: java -Xmx2048m -jar "C:\Program Files (x86)\FFDec\ffdec.jar" -zoom 5 -export frame "c:\pngs" "c:\swfs"
I am sorry, but have one more question. Is there any commandline parameter to execute FFDec in parallel streams?
Yes, the export of page 39 needed about 2.1GB memory. Please try the latest nightly, I optimized it a little bit, now it needs about 1.3GB, which is still quite lot, but your image is 5101x6601 pixel, which is 135MB, and during the rendering a lot of copy needed because of clipping, the shape contours are cached, etc, so this memory usage is not too high.
No, there is no parallel setting for exporting files parallel. The parallel setting means only that the action scripts (in a single swf) are decompiled on multiple threads. We can implement it, but then note that you need about 2gb memory for each thread, so if you execute parallel export on 8 threads, it needs 16GB memory. Please create a feature request if you need parallel export.
Thank you a lot! I will create a separate request.
I made the export faster a little bit. (Still quite slow, but about 3 times faster than before) Please try the latest nightly. BTW: did you notice that some texts are missing? for example on page 39.
Thanks! Cool! I didn`t notice missing text:( Sorry, Is it possible to fix it?
It is better in the latest nightly.
Or you can use SVG export (with the latest nightly), it completes in 37 seconds (for the 446 pages) ffdec.bat -format frame:svg -export frame pages_img pages Since SVG is a vector image, you don't need zoom.
Great! Once again - thank you.
State: upgraded→closed