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List of issues#1184 Invalid regular expression generated
Author: BeniBela
Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
Labels: AS3Decompilation
State: closed
8.0.1 is now generating invalid regular expressions. Compiling the generated scripts
results in:
br/com/stimuli/loading/utils/SmartURL.as(31): col: 59 Error: Syntax error.
var _loc2_:RegExp = /((?P<protocol>[a-zA-Z]+: \\/\\/) (?P<host>[^:\\/]*)
(:(?P<port>\d+))?)? (?P<path>[^?]*)? ((?P<query>.*))? /x;
Same swf as in #970
I am sorry for letting you wait so much without an answer and I don't think it is now
(after flash shutdown) even relevant, but it seems to be working in current version, so I
am closing this issue.
State: new→closed