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#1162 Not showing all the swf contents

Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
Labels: AS3LoaderObfuscated
State: closed 

> What steps will reproduce the problem?
When i open a specific swf it doesn't show all the as3 files.
> What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
In the previous version of the swf file it shows many as3 files but in the new one I see 2
small obfuscated files.
> What version of the product are you using? Is it "nightly build"? Which operating system
do you have?
The latest version, I'm using windows 8.1
> Please provide any additional information below. If the problem is related to a SWF
file, attach it here, otherwise we can't help you.
I attached the swf file to take a better look, please let me know if you need any
additional details.
Thank you

"In the previous version of the swf file"
Then this is probably different SWF file :-).
This file is so called "encrypted loader". It loads another SWF file from DefineBinaryData
tag. It looks like DoSWF "encryption".
In some cases we can open another loaded files in the decompiler automatically.
It looks like this SWF file needs some other files (UI?) to load (and decrypt its
contents) properly.
If you send us the other file(s), maybe we can figure out how to open its contents in the
No, it does not load another SWF file.
Plese stay tuned. Looks like I can figure out something...
Ok, here is the thing, you can do to see more of the SWF file:
1) Download nightly builf 1276 or later
2) In settings tab, check "Open loaded SWFs while playing"
3) On file tab, click Run
4) It will ask for flash player projector, just setup its path and download it from adobe
site on displayed settings panel.
5) If you setup 4) correctly, then click Run on file tab
6) The SWF file will run in new Flash window
7) During play, new SWF files (hidden in original SWF) should be opened automatically in
This way you can inspect inner SWF files.
These files are still obfuscated with invalid names, etc., but there should definitely be
all the functionality to run the application.
State: new→upgraded
Thank you for the help.
Is this Thread still open for Questions?
If so, Can i edit the the inner swf files and save it to the main file?
I tried doing so, and it saves as tmp file, which fails somehow.
Same here
It cannot be saved to mainfile as mainfile uses an encryption algorithm. SWF needs to be
encrypted the same way as previous SWF file was encrypted. This cannot be done
automatically with FFDec.
FFDec could do some kind of proxy and while playing the SWF, load modified SWF instead the
original one,
but there can be checks for the SWF bytes hash for example in the loader, so this is not a
way either.
I am closing this.
State: upgraded→closed