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#114 getPrecontinues(...) causes StackOverflowError

Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
Labels: AS3Decompilation
State: closed 

> What steps will reproduce the problem?
The function getPrecontinues(...) from Graph.java very often falls into an infinite
recursion both for AS1/2 and AS3. For example check com.hurlant.util.der.DER script in
library.swf. Also com.hurlant.crypto.hash.MD2 script crashes the whole program.
An old example external_call.swf now fails to decompile several DoInitActions tags
(mx.managers.OverlappedWindows and mx.managers.DepthManager).
> What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
Example docs: http://crypto.hurlant.com/docs

State: new→opened
version 1.6.3 released
loop detection algorithm was improved.
This issue should be fixed. Try it
State: opened→upgraded
this one persists - mx.managers.DepthManager in external_call.swf fails to decompile and
???? 25, 2013 2:25:27 PM com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.graph.Graph printGraph
SEVERE: error during printgraph
java.lang.RuntimeException: Phase 2 visited again:loop(id:3,continue:217-222
p/30:0/80:0/113:0/196:1/205:0, break:258-258
p/30:0/80:0/113:0/196:1/205:0/221:1/239:0/244:0/256:1, phase:2)
at com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.graph.Graph.getPrecontinues(Graph.java:711)
This is no more a problem. Thanks!
State: upgraded→closed