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#1130 programm keeps opening on the wrong monitor/display

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Type: question
Visibility: Everybody
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State: closed 

The programm keeps opening on the wrong monitor/display, I have two displays connected to
my PC but one is usually not set to show my desktop so I have to blindly move the window
over. Any way I can change on which display the programm starts?
I have the same problem, I have two display, but of different resolutions. Maybe that is
why it's having problems with showing on the wrong display? Same with all dialogs, like
opening a file or exporting, or the advanced settings menu.
I have the Same problem.
I am working with a laptop which has a display and an external monitor.
The external monitor is my main monitor (can be configured under Windows).
I would preferr that the program starts on the main monitor but it starts on the other
I also have 2 different resolutions (the main one is higher) if that makes any
I made some changes in nightly 2659,
FFDec should remember last screen it was closed on.
Also dialogs should now open on same screen as mainwindow is.
State: new→upgraded
State: upgraded→closed