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#109 Probably wrong parameter is passes to getASMSource function

Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
Labels: FFDec source
State: closed 

In the following line of SWFInputStream.java (currently line 598)
System.err.println("getConstantPool ip " + ip + ", addr " +
Helper.formatAddress(((Action) ins).getAddress()) + ": " + ((Action) ins).getASMSource(new
ArrayList<GraphSourceItem>(), new ArrayList<Long>(), Helper.toList(cpool), version, false)
+ add + " stack:" + Helper.stackToString(stack, Helper.toList(cpool)));
the 3rd parameter of getASMSource probably should be cpool.constants instead of
Helper.toList, because getASMSource waits a List<String> and in some other places
cpool.constants is passed to the function.
I found this problem, when added the generic type parameters. I created a changeset which
adds the type parameters. Please could you merge it to your branch. (If you are not
against it)
This changeset contains the modifications of issue #106, too.
You can find the changeset here:
What is the difference between List localData and List<Object> localData.
I thought it is the same thing, isn't it?
For example you have the following methods:
public static void m1(List<String> a) {
String s = a.get(0);
public static void m2(List<Object> a) {
Object o = a.get(0);
public static void m3(List a) {
a.add(new Object());
public static void main(String[] args) {
List list = new ArrayList();
list.add(new Object());
List<Object> objList = new ArrayList<Object>();
objList.add(new Object());
List<String> stringList = new ArrayList<String>();
// m1(objList); compile error
// m2(stringList); compile error
1st problem: You can call m1 with a "list" parameter, which accepts "List<String>". You
will get runtime exceptions.
2nd problem: You can call m3 with stringList parameter, and it will add an Object to the
So if you specify it to List<Object>, you wont be able to call it with List<String>, so it
is safer.
If you need to call a function with List<Object> ad List<String> too, then you can use:
"? extends Object"
public static void m4(List<? extends Object> a) {
// a.add(new Object()); compile error
In this case you won't be able to add a new item to the list inside the method.
State: new→opened
version 1.6.1 was released. I have merged your changes to main branch.
State: opened→upgraded
Thank you very much
State: upgraded→closed