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#1075 Lenght of DefineText is more larger than original when DefineText is saved

Date created:
Type: question
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: Letter spacingText
State: closed 

> What steps will reproduce the problem?
Just push Save Button when editing DefineText cause a size more larger than original
> What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
See attachment files
> What version of the product are you using? Is it "nightly build"? Which operating system
do you have?
All version of FFDEC
> Please provide any additional information below. If the problem is related to a SWF
file, attach it here, otherwise we can't help you.

This is not a bug, DefineText has no layout information. Please select the appropriate
System font for fontId=30 tag. You forgot to attach the swf file, so we can't help more.
State: new→upgraded
This text is using the Architecture font.
Download this font for example this site:
http://ufonts.com/fonts/architecture.html (ttf)
Install it as a system font.
Select fonts/DefineFont3 (30) in FFDec's left tree.
Select "Architecture" fron the "Source font" dropdown.
Press the "Set advance values" button.
You can try to edit the text again. The result should be much better, but still
different... probably there are multiple "Architecture" fonts... your SWF file contains 2
different Architecture font (28 and 30)
You can try to find another font file on the internet or set the advance values manually
with raw editing.
You don't have to use "Architecture" font, you can use any which looks like that... (has
the same character width)
I have trying this solution. Of course, result is different but not the reached goal.
See my solution : to create a second line as :
y = 200
]first line[
x = 0
y = 400
]second line
With this method, all words are displayed.
Is it possible to modify the method for displaying lines in function of Definetext ?
Because, it is to difficult to transform all text...
Sometime, lines are to larger than original ;
Sometime, lines are concatened (spaces are not displayed).
I understand that DefineText have not layout information. Maybe, GUI must be create
"virtual layout" before editing. Is it possible ?
I try to make something which might help, but it won't be an ultimate solution.
Please try the latest nightly. FFDec now calculates a "virtual" letter spacing value for
static texts.
You can change this value manually, if you don't change it, and don't change the text, the
total width should be exactly the same as before editing. (Only the total, because the
letter spacing is an average value)
State: returned→upgraded
(You still need to set the proper font as i wrote earlier for perfect result)
I close this issue due to inactivity. Please create new issue if problem still exists.
State: upgraded→closed