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#107 Separate the gui classes from the other

Date created:
Type: other
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: FFDec source
State: closed 

Please separate the gui classes from the other classes:
com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.gui.FrameNode and com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.gui.TagNode
classes are used from SWF class. Please move it out from gui folder.
XFLConverter references to Main (applicationName, version). Please move this settings from
Main class to somewhere else, if it is not a problem.
It would be great to do it for Configuration class too, but it is not a big problem if you
leave it as it is.
State: new→opened
version 1.6.1 was released. I have moved Main class to the gui package, FrameNode &
TagNode to base package, updated all references to Main class. Configuration class was
updated so it does not depend on GUI.
I hope this is enough.
State: opened→upgraded
Yes, thank you:)
State: upgraded→closed